Upgrade to Business - Charged but not received - Support non-existent

What is the name of the domain?

See Support Ticket

What is the issue you’re encountering

Upgraded from Pro Plan to Business Plan - Billed for both plans - Plan not updated

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

We upgraded from Pro Plan to Business Plan a month ago. We have been charged the full price of Pro Plan + Business Plan, but our domain is still stuck on Pro Plan and has never received the Business Plan. Dashboard shows “Processing” for over a month. Cloudflare support is basically non-existent, created ticket a month ago. Still waiting for agent to respond. PayPal dispute has been opened. Please escalate properly.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?


Sorry for the issues @mythicalix Support will assist you on your ticket, the Community does not have access to account nor billing issues.

I do not see any assistance so far. Still waiting for a reply.

I see a reply from the agent on 7 January, can you see that in your email? This is on ticket 01314851. Can you see if you can locate that email or any relating to 01314851 and indicate you’re still encountering an issue?

Yes, and I replied back on January 8. No reply. Then again followed up on January 12. No reply. Then again on January 15. And still no reply. It’s all in the ticket.

1.5 Months after ticket creation, 2 weeks after this thread: still no reply. This is Cloudflare‘s „Business“ Support - awesome.

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