Hello. My site is registered on the netim.com registrar. I am trying to update the NS records of the site, specifying kira.ns.cloudflare.com and ruben.ns.cloudflare.com. The NSs have been checked on the registrar and it shows that everything has been updated. But on cloudflare there is a pending period. This waiting period has been going on for a week. Can you please check and help me manually accept the NS data so that we can start using the site.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
You need to get the delegation of name servers changed in the parent registry, through your domain registrar.
The delegation of name servers is done in a different place, than adjusting NS records within your current DNS provider, which some people are mixing together from time to time.
is currently the name servers in the parent registry for that domain.
Adjusting the name server delegation can only be done through your domain registrar.