Update A record of cloudflare tunnel in ClouDNS.net

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Good afternoon, Dear customer support. Faced with the problem of updating DNS records. I use the Free Plan on ClouDNS.net . Created a domain vault.cloudns.cl and registered it in Cloudflare. I connected the tunnel to my server, since I don’t have a static ip. Unfortunately, CloudDNS only allow you to update your DNS records either manually or with an automatic update script. Please tell me if Cloudflare has some kind of Best practice method for this case, or maybe there is an API method that will get the external IP of the tunnel or maybe somehow set a permanent IP for the tunnel?

What do you want to update in Cloudns? The record for the tunnel will be created on Cloudflare, not on Cloudns.

Apart from that, free Cloudns zones don’t work with Cloudflare because of delegation problems at Cloudns.

  1. I want to update A records in ClouDNS. I need to somehow find out the IP addresses of the tunnels that are being created in Cloudflare. Now there are records of the form 63e8e1ad-b57e-44f9-99df-9d4dc3837980.cfargotunnel.com

  2. ClouDNS doesn’t have a problem. They have a limit for free accounts. As I wrote above, they offer to change the IP of records either manually or through a request to their API.

In short, I need to get the external IP of my tunnel and use a script to set it for entries inside ClouDNS, or find a way to set the IP statically, if possible, in the Cloudflare interface.

They do, without a doubt.

vault.cloudns.cl.       3600    IN      SOA     ns101.cloudns.net. support.cloudns.net. 2024092704 7200 1800 1209600 3600
vault.cloudns.cl.       3600    IN      NS      dexter.ns.cloudflare.com.
vault.cloudns.cl.       3600    IN      NS      mallory.ns.cloudflare.com.
;; Received 194 bytes from in 24 ms

You can see there are both NS record and an SOA record. SOA means “You are in the right place”, while the NS records mean that “You need to look somewhere else”. Having both records at the same time is simply incorrect.

I still don’t understand why. The tunnels have CNAME records that you configure in Cloudflare’s DNS settings. Why do you need A records to update in Cloudns?

If you really want to do that, you can basically follow the guide for a Partial setup, but I really don’t understand why you would need to do that.

Thanks for Your answer.

  1. You’re right, of course, but it’s not CloudDNS’ fault, it’s mine. I have added NS entries to my personal account. This was stated in the instructions when adding the site to Cloudflare. For regular paid hosting, this works without problems and the domain starts to resolve via DNS Cloudflare, but for ClouDNS in the free version it will not work. However, they allow me to register A / AAA / CNAME / NS and etc records. Therefore, as I understand it, I need A record in ClouDNS account to attach it to a site registered on Cloudflare. At the same time, I need to specify the IP of the tunnel in the entry so that when accessing the ClouDNS DNS servers, the request goes to the IP of the tunnel, as I said in previous messages.

  2. I looked at the link you provided, but I did not find there an opportunity to find out or set the external IP of the tunnel that I need for A records.