This issues is a bit different to using DNS-O-Matic etc. We utilise DynDNS for remote access via a certain router to our equipment on site. This 4G modem/router offers us DynDNS/OpenVPN access to our equipment and works very well. I wish to use a domain name that I have purchased, with Cloudflare SSL for client access to our webpage, but as the IP of the 4G router is dynamic, I need to update the A record…dynamically. As we are not hosting a device capable of running IP change requests, is there a way to monitor the DynDNS IP change and rewrite the A record in cloudflare?
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
I’d assume using the Cloudflare API you’d achieve this.
If you don’t have a device, hm, to monitor such events possibly by creating a Cloudflare Worker to “monitor” such thing (supports schedule/cron jobs nowadays), then fire (execute) an DNS record update upon triggering
You could make a schedule when your PC starts and get’s internet via your router, update the DNS in the background without logging into CF dash, etc.
Despite not tested, some are available on GitHub already: