Morning - quick update - We will begin rolling out for Enterprise plans starting today 18th March.
Again let me know if you see anything strange.
Morning - quick update - We will begin rolling out for Enterprise plans starting today 18th March.
Again let me know if you see anything strange.
We are having issues with our website in Firefox. It doesn’t load properly due to the compression.
Can you please give me details on your Cloudflare Zone? did this just start happening today?
This is the Zone ID: 8805f74b921100d7be777d885ef9d84e. Our customer has reported it today. The problem it seems that is only with Firefox.
I think this change is unrelated that zone is on Free Plan that the change has been live since the 26th February 2024. So nothing should have changed in regards to this? If you wish to share a sanitized HAR file with me - you should be able to message me then can have a further look.
Hi @mbullock , we have “fixed” the issue disabling the service worker.
Hi @guillermo.delagala interesting - if you get chance can you email mbullock (at) cloudflare (dot) com with details? Thanks
Hi @mbullock
We start to face performance degradation because of using node.js package koa-compress 5.1.0.
I believe sites using koa-compress 4.0.0 to 5.1.0 need to upgrade to 5.1.1 asap.
This brotli performance issue was caused by improper default parameters of brotli, which was fixed in 5.1.1
I’m still curious Cloudflare’s brotli config though, hope we can follow Cloudflare’s best default config for
This features does not work, if “Cache Reserve” is enabled. Spent several hours trying to figure out why it doesn’t work, please update the documentation . Tested on files with static extensions (.js, .css, .html), eligable for cache reserve.
Hi @mbullock
Based on this documentation Content compression | Brotli Cloudflare should request content from the origin server using the accept-encoding: br, gzip
header. However my origin server receives accept-encoding: gzip
header. How can I receive “br”?
Do you have a Worker in the middle? If so you may have to redeploy or update the compatibility flag to latest.
Yes. I’ve detailed the issue in a separate discussion here - Worker’s fetch removes Brotli (br) encoding from Accept-Encoding request header - Developers / Workers - Cloudflare Community
We regularly deploy workers, almost daily. Will try to update the compatibility flag. Currently, it’s set to compatibility_date = “2023-06-21”.
Yes - Compatibility flags | Cloudflare Workers docs you can see it was not default until 2024-04-29 so your flag is ~1 year out. Note there are breaking changes in compat flags as they are released – so please test before deploying to production.