Redirect rules and DNS config seems to be incorrect. www does not redirect to images and mc does not redirect to gLINK REDACTEDiki/w/Tutorials/Playing_on_servers
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Delete old Bulk Redirects and old Redirect Rules and start over
Wait (30 mins)
Write this post four times from scratch because the draft doesn’t save and new users can’t have more than four links and my form keeps resetting now now I’m writing this in vim
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
I don’t know
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
AAAA record for mc set to a non-public IP because Starlink doesn’t sell those yet.
Any hostname to be redirected has to be proxied before Cloudflare’s redirection engine can kick in.
www has no IP address at all. Since this is merely redirecting, give it the dummy DNS record A → or AAAA → 100:: and set it to Proxied ().
mc has an IP address but it seems to be set to DNS-only (). Make sure this is proxied () as well. And since this is being proxied, I suggest using either of the dummy IP addresses above rather than the StarLink IPv6 address (and, by the way, I don’t own StarLink but the address you used is a globally routable IPv6 address – and not a “non-public” address).
Make these changes first and if the redirections are still not working, we can look into the rules themselves.
That works, except that I need mc to not be proxied so that I can use non 80/443 ports. As you say, the proxy must be enabled.
I think the best solution would be waiting until I have a public IP and setting up a raspberry pi to host the 80/443 server, and then route 25565 etc to my actual MC server (personal PC, hence I can’t just run nginx on that).