Unlock Cloudflare account

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?

I want unlock my domain. How do I do that?

What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

I can’t unlock my domain. And I can’t contact support either.

May I ask if you plan to transfer out your domain or? :thinking:

May I ask if you’ve followed the instructions from the article bewlo? :thinking:

What error you get?

Here are the possible ways to contact Cloudflare:

Furthermore, questions about Cloudflare Registrar will need to be resolved by the Customer Support team and cannot be resolved on the Community.

To contact the Registrar team, please submit a new support request from your Cloudflare account directly through the Cloudflare dashboard. Visit https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/support and choose Cloudflare Registrar.


If your goal is to transfer this domain to another registrar, it was only registered 2024-12-16 and is thus not eligible for transfer. Per ICANN rules, domains cannot be transferred within the first 60 days of registration.


So how do I host the domain, since it has no ip address?

You can add DNS records for your domain pointed to either temporary IP address such as and proxied :orange: , therefrom forward/redirect to some other page.

Otherwise, use Workers (route path(s) to execute some script )or Pages (connect your domain easily with few clicks) product to deploy and host some web content and serve to your Website visitors.

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In addition to the options suggested by @fritex

Since you wanted to transfer the domain elsewhere, I assume you have a traditional hosting service elsewhere. And if you want to set up something like a WordPress site, then none of the above suggestions will work for you and you need a WordPress hosting provider.

And please note that domain name registration doesn’t have any IP address: the IP address must come from the website hosting provider.

So if you have purchased a hosting service already, find out from your host how you can connect your domain to the website you’re hosting with them. They will provide the instructions along with the IP address(es) or some other way to link your domain.

It’s a common practice (and I’ll argue, a best practice!) to have a domain with one provider and host your website with a different provider!

Good luck.


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