Unable to upgrade account: billing error, no response from support

What is the name of the domain?

a1garage com

What is the error number?

No error number in error message

What is the error message?

“could not run legacy post zone sub request against new zone products: failed to update user subscription: failed to load account from db: You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until the outstanding balance is paid. You should be able to do so in your Billing page”

What is the issue you’re encountering

Though the error message indicates there are potential unpaid invoices, there are none. Attempting to upgrade the account or add a new domain triggers this message. I’m under a lot of pressure to upgrade the account to Business level so we can work quickly with chat support for various matters to support our business, but cannot. The issue has already created chaos for us and our operations.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

  1. I have attempted the account upgrade from multiple browsers.
  2. I have reviewed our invoices and found nothing that seems unpaid.
  3. I have created a ticket with Cloudflare support, but it has almost been two weeks, and it has not been acknowledged.
  4. I have called Cloudflare Sales to help facilitate our account upgrade, but have not reached an agent.
  5. I reviewed the community boards for others with this issue, and am now posting here in the hopes of insight or escalation, as it seems from past posts that this error seems to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Attempt to upgrade a domain by selecting a payment plan, or attempt to add a new domain to the account and select a payment plan, even a free one. One will be disallowed from continuing, and the error message will display.

Screenshot of the error

Sorry for the issues, are you attempting to upgrade a1garage.com to a paid plan when you encounter this error?

I don’t see that domain in the account you are using here, do you have it active in a different cloudflare account where you are encountering the error?

Hi there! Thank you so much for responding so quickly. We very much appreciate it and the assist!

Yes, we are attempting to upgrade that domain to a paid plan, though the issue also occurs if we try to add a new domain to a free plan.

Regarding the account—are you able to see accounts I have access to? It’s my employer’s account that my account is added to as a super admin.

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I’ve asked the team to dig into the issue to see if we can escalate it to the appropriate team. Sorry for the issues

Thank you so much! A support member has gotten in contact with me. I’ll update here with any developments if appropriate. Have a great day!

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