Unable to SSH to my server using domain name after transfer to cloudflare

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Port 22 Connection Timed out

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am unable to SSH to my remote hosted server without using IP address directly. I get this error. Using the IP is fine. I didn’t have this problem before switching my registrar and nameservers to Cloudflare. I am also sporadically getting 400 Bad Gateway responses when accessing a web-based admin console located on port :8443 of the domain (30% of page requests are sucessful).

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Contacted ISP. Used IP directly.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

type ssh [email protected]

Cloudflare only proxies HTTP/HTTPS (unless using Cloudflare Spectrum). For SSH you’ll need to use the origin IP address directly as you have done, or a dedicated hostname such as ssh.example.com set to “DNS only”, or a Cloudflare tunnel.


Thank you for your input!! I sincerely appreciate the fast contribution you made. :slight_smile:

Hmm, maybe I don’t really understand how Cloudflare works or what it is. I just moved my domains here after Google shut down their domain registrar service.

So that begs the question… just is really happening with Cloudflsre compared to traditional DNS? How is it different or am I better off as a result. I am capable of understanding fairly technical networking concepts. No need to baby me. Is it a proxy service?

My sites are hosted elsewhere on an independent virtualization platform. i don’t see why looking the IP address of the domains under Cloudflare would be any different than before.

On the other topic SSH, would a CNAME record with the IP address of the server accomplish the intended effect?

Thanks again!!

Try here…

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