@cloonan unable to receive verification email for my domain, can oyu please help
Hi @aaryaglobaltek i show those emails as delivered but performed a routine to remove it from the suppression list as a justincase. If you continue to have issues can you check to ensure the following addresses are on the allowlist at your origin mail server: [email protected] and [email protected]?
@cloonan Yes both are in allow list, but what i’m trying to do is adding my domain to gmail and when i do it i’m able to send emails but unable to receive the emails
Ah, thank you, that is helpful.
This email troubleshooting tutorial is deprecate, but really good detail to give an idea of what to look for, Deprecated - Email Troubleshooting
The above is deprecated in favor of the troubleshooting doc, Troubleshooting email issues · Cloudflare DNS docs
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