Unable to Re-add Domain Due to Changed Nameservers & GoDaddy Access Problem

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Unable to Re-add Domain Due to Changed Nameservers & GoDaddy Access Problem

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

•	I checked WHOIS records, and they still show the old Cloudflare nameservers.
•	I attempted to add the domain back to Cloudflare, but it insists on the new nameservers.
•	I cannot access GoDaddy to update them.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I previously had my domain maximustyres.com added to Cloudflare with the nameservers:

These nameservers are still visible on the WHOIS records. However, my domain expired for a period, and Cloudflare automatically removed it from my account. Now, when I try to re-add the domain, Cloudflare provides new nameservers:

The issue is that I cannot log in to my GoDaddy account to update the nameservers because I am unable to pass the email verification.

That sounds like a problem you need to discuss with GoDaddy. Cloudflare can’t help you with that, and Cloudflare also won’t change the nameserver assignment for security reasons.

For the future, I’d recommend to not use an email address for an account that is managed by said account to avoid problems such as this.