Unable to purchase custom SSL

Hi there,

I’m wondering if anybody is also facing the same issue as me. I’m unable to purchase an SSL certificate from Cloudflare as it always returns this issue:

status: 500, message: failed calling backend for creating a sub for account ID 12549899: Unable to process payment: No Account: 78 : NO ACCOUNT (Code: 1226)

I tried to contact support but without luck yet.

Meaning? Did you not get a ticket number? How did you contact them?

I contacted support through Help Center. I received my ticket number but received a default answer which tells me more about the SSL certificate types and how do they work. Nothing more for now.

Not sure If I should push the customer support over there and try to ask the same question.

Post the ticket number here.




Request #1701775

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Thank you. Can you reply back to the auto reply indicating you’re still having issues?

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Thank you. I did that, let’s see how it goes from there.

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