Unable to open my site


I have connected Cloudflare name servers with my site www.imdsatellite.com but it seems there is some problem. I can’t open my site. Its giving me an error. Can you please help to resolve it. I have attached some screen shot here for your reference.


Please check and help me to resolve it.

Was your site working with HTTPS before you added it to Cloudflare?

To troubleshoot, use the “Pause Cloudflare on Site” option from the Overview page of the Cloudflare dashboard and wait 5 minutes for it to take effect. Then make sure your site is working properly with HTTPS.

Yes, it was working with HTTPS but its not working. I have been getting an error “imdsatellite.com returned a status 404”. Please advise how do i fix this issue

You haven’t done this yet:

Thanks for your email.

I tried but didn’t work. Pls advise another solution.

Many thanks

If it didn’t work, then your server is misconfigured. Please fix it before you put it back on Cloudflare.

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