Unable to edit nameservers to connect to Kajabi

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Unable to edit nameservers to connect Kajabi

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I’ve tried everything to try to edit my nameservers. I just want to copy and paste my Kajabi nameservers to Cloudflare but it won’t let me for some reason.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

Seems like you’re missing a DNS records since none is found :thinking:

falonshanti.com. IN A
Record not found!

According to their documentation, it seems like a CNAME record pointed towards “ssl.kajabi.com” may be all you need for the website.

Navigate to the DNS tab via link https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/dns, double-check and add the missing DNS record.

Helpful article how to manage DNS records at Cloudflare dashboard:

For furhter troubleshooting, below post might help:

@fritex Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post! On Kajabi they mention to simply change the nameservers from cloudflare’s to theirs. I don’t know when I was able to complete that step because now it seems like I’m unable to edit the nameservers to the correct ones… I’ll have to take a look into the DNS records like you mentioned.

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