Unable to configure new zone via API

Good Morning,

I seem to be having an issue with creating new zones via the API. The following is the command run against the API, and the response:

curl -X POST https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones -H Content-Type:application/json -H X-Auth-Key:MyKeyPass -H X-Auth-Email:MyEmailAddress -s --data ‘{“name”:“exampledomain.co.za”,“jump_start”:true,“organization”:{“id”:“MyAccountID”,“status”:“active”,“permissions”:[“#analytics:read”,“#app:edit”, “#billing:edit”, “#billing:read”, “#cache_purge:edit”, “#dns_records:edit”,“#dns_records:read”, “#lb:edit”,“#lb:read”, “#logs:read”, “#member:edit”, “#member:read”,“#organization:edit”, “#organization:read”, “#ssl:edit”, “#ssl:read”,“#waf:edit”, “#waf:read”, “#zone:edit”, “#zone:read”, “#zone_settings:edit”, “#zone_settings:read”]}}’

  • jq .
    “success”: false,
    “errors”: [
    “code”: 1068,
    “message”: “Permission denied”
    “messages”: ,
    “result”: null

I’m able to create new records within a zone using the same credentials, and when using the wrong org_id (when attempting to create a zone), I receive a code 1067 error, so it would seem as if the values used are correct.

Please advise?! Am I forgetting something?



Sorry that you didn’t get an answer. Are you still experiencing this issue? Do you have a support ticket number?

Hi Ryan,

The issue is ongoing, unfortunately.

Can one open a support ticket without an enterprise account?


Anyone with a Cloudflare account can submit support requests. Either by clicking SUPPORT when logged into the dashboard, or by emailing support[at]Cloudflare.com from your account email address.

Please submit a ticket and I’ll try to get this escalated.