I am having the same issue - unable to add any payment method. Opened a support ticket (#01372907) on Sunday - no response. Opened a new one (for same issue) a few minutes ago (#01377921). Both for same issue. Neither resolved.
Can someone on the Support / Billing end of cloudflare help?
Thank you for writing. I am sorry to hear this happen.
I flagged your ticket for the team in the Support, since the Community cannot see account details and provide further help. Support will respond to you on that ticket.
Please, no more tickets are necessary to create, since it just slows replies to the time of last ticket.
Thank you for the prompt reply. It appears this is a recurring topic in the forum, perhaps someone on the billing team would take the initiative to investigate the root cause and remediate the issue so future requests would not need such manual intervention. Seems it would be core to CF’s business to ensure somethinig as simple as the billing system was working consistently, right?