I can’t access that domain in any way. even if you want to forget it doesn’t work.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have also posted in various ways in the community. I have opened several support tickets.
Registrar issues requre a Registrar ticket with Support
In what area can we help you?
I don’t know
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
If someone could kindly take a deep look into my issue, I would be extremely grateful.
I transferred this domain from another registrar to Cloudflare. However, when I did the transfer and renewal, I mistakenly assigned a different Gmail account as the domain’s administrator instead of the Gmail account I used for the transfer. Both of my Gmail accounts are linked to separate Cloudflare accounts.
Suddenly, my website got deleted from my Cloudflare account. Since then, I haven’t been able to change the nameservers from the administrator Gmail’s Cloudflare account, nor can I manage the domain from the renewal account.
I now find myself unable to manage the domain from either of my Cloudflare accounts. As a result, my website has been down for several months.
I have opened multiple support tickets in different ways, but I haven’t found a solution yet.
Could someone please explain from which account I should open a support ticket, and what specific information I should include to get this issue resolved?
It sounds like there are a few different accounts here and the one(s) you are logging in to are not the same as the account that initially accepted the registrar transfer. Once a domain is in Cloudflare registrar, that domain will stay in that account.
We can’t share any account specific information unless you write to us from the email linked to the account. However, it sounds like the issue here is that you are not sure which email that is. Please note it is not the email that you are contacting us from on case #01215661, it is a different email address.
Did you at any point change the email on the account?
My account + email 2 is correct. But who told you “I don’t know my right linked e-mail”?
I must say that my account mail (ie- [email protected]) is the administrator mail.
And [email protected] is my domain renewal account, from which I used to manage and access my domain. And according to the administrator contact, my ([email protected]) is the administrator gmail.
Whatever I have to do to solve it, say I’ll do it but solve it. I can’t anymore. 3 months are about to pass but I am not getting any solution even after contacting repeatedly with the fear of losing the domain.