U.K. visitors not being shown in visitors or page views

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

I am a UK website and received hundreds of UK visitors daily as well and take orders from them Web analytics says I have no UK visitors.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Move the business to another country would be an option.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

Web Analytics


Thank you for reaching out to us. Upon further checking this I can see that you’ve received 17,462 requests in the past 24 hours of users located in UK. You can check this information by clicking on thelaptoppowersupplyshop.co.uk then Analytics & Logs > HTTP Traffic. For a better understanding of your website traffic, data transfer, and usage you should consider upgrading to Pro. It can also provides you with more access (and control) of the Cloudflare WAF, more advanced bot mitigation, and Lossless Image Optimisation.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you need further information.


This is true but requests are useless to me so if I look under Analytics and Logs (In my Account Home) and Web Analytics (then choose my domain), the stats are very very different where in the past 30 days I have had 0 visits from the UK.


Thank you for your response. When you click on your Account, then Analytics & Logs > Web Analytics you can only see the traffic for the past 72 hours. Are you sure you are referring to the correct path here? The path that shows the last 30 days is Account Analytics (which is currently on beta and may not show accurate results) and Zone Analytics by first clicking on your domain. For more visibility of Page Views for example, you need to have a Pro plan or higher: Zone Analytics | Cloudflare Analytics docs


This is what I am referring to

The page views are completely wrong and there are no visits or views from the UK.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 14.58.04

I tried to add a coupld more images but new users can’t post images to get help.

Never mind, I’ll just continue to use my currently analytics company. If I had any inkling that Cloudflare could offer decent Analytics them maybe I would be prepared to pay for Pro but so far you have not show that.

See screenshot. You can see 30 days.
No UK visitors
Page views are way out.

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