Hi. I noticed a typo in the following error message:
Error: Error reading worker script from API for resouce ...
should be resource
Hi. I noticed a typo in the following error message:
Error: Error reading worker script from API for resouce ...
should be resource
Can you please post the command you used? It’s ok to edit out all the sensitive bits.
Hi @sdayman,
I was attempting to deploy an update to a worker
Here’s a more verbose and redacted version:
data.cloudflare_zones.sb_network: Refreshing state...
cloudflare_worker_script.[REDACTED]: Refreshing state... [id=name:[REDACTED]]
Error: Error reading worker script from API for resouce &{ZoneID: ScriptName:[REDACTED]}: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content "{\"success\":false,\"errors\":[{\"code\":10000,\"message\":\"Authentication error\"}]}\n"
Error: error listing Zone: error from makeRequest: HTTP status 400: content "{\"success\":false,\"errors\":[{\"code\":6003,\"message\":\"Invalid request headers\",\"error_chain\":[{\"code\":6103,\"message\":\"Invalid format for X-Auth-Key header\"}]}],\"messages\":[],\"result\":null}"
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