For PiHole no error message for FreePBX "FreePBX requires a new browser to function correctly. "
What is the issue you’re encountering
Neither page loads with any formatting and pages won’t respond to input of user name or password
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I’m new to Cloudflare and have been going over forum posts and posts on other sites but have not found any fixes yet. I did try changing the various advanced settings but I’m new enough at this that it’s all just stabs in the dark at this point. I could really use some troubleshooting pointers.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
If I load the pihole page locally it formats correctly. If I load it through the tunnel the page formatting is stripped off.
In the case of the FreePBX page if I load it using it’s FQDN it loads correctly. If I use a subdomain through my tunnel to load it the formatting is stripped off.
The one thing both pages have in common is that they are the only two out of a dozen subdomains that I have setup that have a path following the domain name.
In both cases the path suffix points to a php file. For pihole it’s /admin/login.php and for FreePBX it’s /admin/config.php
And due to this, seems added Cloudflare nameservers aren’t applied as expected, or you’ve added NS type of DNS records instead of changing your domain nameservers at Hostinger.
Kindly cross-check with Hostinger to fix this domain status and disable Parking page, therefrom modify DNS records and point to the correct IP address of your web hosting.
I’m not sure why that parking page is still showing. I have my name servers set to and When I logged into Hostinger to double check that domain the following message was showing “Your domain is not pointing to Hostinger. To manage DNS records, change your nameservers to Hostinger’s.”
I have a Cloudflare tunnel built using that domain. It has 12 public host names (subdomains) setup. And, 10 of the 12 work without issue. The only two that aren’t working correctly are the two that have a path after the domain name.
To test this I added a path to another subdomain where its use was optional. As soon as I added it that site likewise stopped formatting the web page it pointed to.
I did find that the A record was still pointing at a Hostinger IP and I changes that so it’s points to a static IP that I own. However I’m looking over the Cloudflare documentation and don’t see anything specific about where I should have my A record pointed.
May I ask what SSL option have you got selected under the SSL/TLS tab at Cloudflare dashboard for your domain ( Flexible, Full, Full Strict … )?
Before moving to Cloudflare, was your Website working over HTTPS connection?
Have you got the a valid SSL certificate or not at your origin where from the tunnel is running?
Nevertheless, usually steps for troubleshooting the SSL:
Use the “Pause Cloudflare on Site” option from the Overview tab for your domain at .
The link is in the lower right corner of that page.
Give it five minutes to take effect, then make sure site is working as expected with HTTPS without any error
Check with your hosting provider / Plesk panel / cPanel AutoSSL / Let’s Encrypt / ACME / Certbot and manually click to renew it
Only then, when your website responds over HTTPS, you should un-pause Cloudflare and double-check your SSL/TLS setting to make sure it’s set to Full (Strict).
If not, then you’ve got two options to fix this:
Make sure you’ve enabled noTLSVerify option for your public hostname on your configured cloudflared tunne and that your Website is bound to port 443 and “working” even with invalid SSL certificate over HTTPS at your local machine (not the best case)
Generate and install Cloudflare Origin CA certificate onto your Nginx web server on the local machine → Origin CA certificates · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs (recommended to solve your issues with errors you’re experiencing and to have end-to-end encryption)