Client is using a third-party for local SEO and they have created a subdomain and have given me the CNAME to add to the client’s DNS. I’ve added the record, but getting the attached error. Hoping for some help working out if the issue is on the client’s side or the third-party and how to resolve it. Thank you.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
A 1014 error indicates that you’ve configured the CNAME record between domains in different Cloudflare accounts. This typically occurs when the CNAME record points to a domain that is not allowed due to cross-user restrictions. For detailed information regarding 1014 error, you can refer to the documentation here: Troubleshooting Cloudflare 1XXX errors | Cloudflare Support docs
However, upon reviewing your domain is currently operational and accessible to browse without having any issue. Kindly attempt to access your domain again.
Thanks Zakri - the CNAME record points to which is where I’m getting the error. I have reviewed the documentation but don’t understand if it is an error on my end or the domain that the CNAME record points to.