Tried all methods, Mailerlite not authenticating Cloudfare domain

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am trying to authenticate my domain on Mailerlite, however it is failing every single time.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I tried to authenticare Cloudflare domain via automatic methods as well as manually, checked all records, ensured there is only 1 v=spf1 record, however it is not authenticating. When I try to check records on Mailerlite, it shows no records found.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What records are they asking you to set? Can you show a screenshot of your Cloudflare DNS records as well?

You seem to have some DKIM records under your apex domain, rather than [selector]._domainkey where they should be…

They are asking to add the below records:

Sharing my Cloudflare DNS records:
Part 1 next message, Part 2 next to next message

Part 1 my Cloudflare DNS records:

Part 2 my Cloudflare DNS records: seems to go straight to a TXT, rather than via the CNAME you have set…

Do you have CNAME flattening enabled for that DNS record, or globally in Cloudflare here?
If so, turn it off.


Do you mean this?

Also, will it have any effect on any other records or otherwise any impact whatsoever?

Yes That setting is flattening the CNAME for your DKIM record so if the provider it trying to validate that your records returns a CNAME, it can’t.

You can turn that off globally then if you want to enable flattening for specific DNS records you can do so by setting the switch for each individual DNS record.

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Thank you so much, this is resolved!


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