Transfered a domain to Cloudflare, but had to pay renewal fee twice

Hi everyone,

I’ve tried some Googling, as well as reaching out to Cloudflare Support (3227594), but they weren’t able to help.

The short summary is I transferred a domain from Google Domains to Cloudflare, and because transfer took longer than expected, I ended up being charged for 1 year renewal from twice.

Here’s some info in case anyone knows how to help:

I was transferring a domain from Google Domains to Cloudflare. The process was successful, but I ended up being double billed for the same renewal (once from Google Domains, once from Cloudflare).

I started the transfer process on April 14, and was renewed as part of the transfer process by Cloudflare. However, the domain transfer did not go through until April 17, which also prompted a renewal from Google Domains.

Currently, my domain is now managed by Cloudflare and renewed to next year (2025), however I paid the renewal fee twice.

Ideally, the domain should be renewed to 2026, or I shouldn’t have to pay for renewal to 2025 twice.

I hope this helps. Thank you so much to anyone who could help.


Thank you for providing us the ticket number.

Based on the ticket, our billing team has responded. Kindly review it and reach us out if there is any clarification needed…

Thank you

Hi @hkrishnan,

I’ve reviewed it. My request is that it doesn’t make sense to pay twice to renew to 2025.

You’ll have to contact Google to see if you can get a refund, as Cloudflare will have to pay for the renewal:

Look at 2.3, Transfer within Auto-Renewal period

I will see what I can do.

The issue is since a few weeks ago, Google Domains does not exist anymore.

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