Transfer domain registration between cloudflare accounts

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Support has not replied to my ticket in 5 days

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have a domain registered at cloudflare and want to move that domain registryit to another cloudflare account. I opened a ticket as it’s instructed in Cloudflare’s documentation.
The ticket had an auto-reply referrying to another thing. I replied and nothing. And again. 5 days with no answer.
Strange coming from Cloudflare, right ?

In what area can we help you?

Transfer a domain between accounts

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domain is


Thank you for asking.

May I ask if you’ve followed the steps from the article below? :thinking:

Kindly, could I ask you to share your ticket number here with us so we could escalate your case further? Thank you in advance.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Inter account transfer

A post was split to a new topic: Move a domain between accounts

I do all the steps and Cloudflare does not answer any of our tickets.

Case Number 01226568

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Mine is taking forever

@user89715 and @adx000043 Thank you for sharing your ticket number. I’ve escalated your cases further to the team.

Kindly and patiently wait for a reply

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Cloudflare Support team have indicated this was resolved on your ticket. Please post another topic here if that is not the case.


The process to move a Cloudflare Registrar domain between accounts is documented here, Move a Cloudflare Registrar domain registration between accounts | Cloudflare Registrar docs.

Go here on the dash to perform this action,

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