I cannot find the appropriate way in the UI to create the desired effect of having a Health Monitoring section in my Load Balancer pool page
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have attempted on creating a Health Alert on the edit pool page, which doesn’t give me the result i want. I have attempted to create a Health Check in the Notifications section, which still doesn’t result in the desired way. I have a previously configured pool alert that I’m trying to replicate, depicted in the first picture. The other methods that i described give me a different result, visible in the third picture (the Health Check i’ve created not even applying to a Load Balancer pool), the second one listing all the notifications. Is this feature not available anymore, or can someone explain me that the Load Balancing Health Alert, visible in the last picture, serves the same purpose?
Standalone Health Checks are different from health monitors associated with load balancers. For more details about health monitors, refer to the Load Balancing documentation, refer here for the standalone Health Checks.
I have no health checks configured, and i understand they are different from health monitors for load balancers. My question still remains unanswered, is the creation of a separate “Health Check Notification” In the Load Balaning->Edit pool page possible, or does the new “Load Balancing Health Alert” which is created by clicking the Create a Health Alert in the Pool Notifications section on the same page replacing the same functionality