Traffic for External IP's handled by Cloudflare?

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Our prior network admin didn’t leave any notes or documentation, but it appears that any of the external IP’s we purchased from our ISP are somehow handled by Cloudflare. We only have a free plan on Cloudflare, and the subscription page just shows “Cloudflare Zero Trust”. I am a Super Administrator in Cloudflare like our prior network admin. I don’t see Magic Transit as a product, which is where I thought I might see settings for this. Our ISP tells me that the external IP address block we purchased from them should route directly to us, but it doesn’t, and I believe somehow our prior network admin set up our Cloudflare plan with that external IP address block. The issue is I’m trying to set up an device on our internal network with an external IP address that has to communicate to a web portal that is hosted outside of our network on the Internet. However, even though I have our firewall configured for this, it seems like Cloudflare is the first stop when an external entity tries to access resources using our external IP address block, but I cannot find where to look in Cloudflare for this. Any thoughts as it seems like there must be a place in Cloudflare that you can tell it what external IP address block to handle traffic for? We don’t appear to be using Magic Transit so I’m lost currently. Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

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