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账号:[email protected] 问题:每个月15号我都固定收到4.88刀的账单,扣费内容为Cache Reserve Reads和Cache Reserve Writes,最开始我以为我是哪点到了,付了订单,排查完以后我关闭了Cache Reserve功能,结果6月份又收到,7月份又收到,但是我根本没有用这功能,为什么你们一而再再而三扣我钱?我查看了订阅,里面也没有订阅Cache Reserve,你们这钱是哪来的? 订单编号:IN-5197312;IN-3669948;IN-2337800

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Hi, regarding billing issue, please kindly raise a ticket. If you already have a ticket, Support will respond to you on that ticket. Questions about billing will need to be resolved by the Customer Support team and cannot be resolved on the Community. Thank you!

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