Ticket Support

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Getting responses back when opening tickets

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I submit tickets, and never hear anything back from support. Is this common, what should I be doing to try and resolve issues?

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Submit ticket, then wait.

Screenshot of the error

May I ask what kind of issue you’ve got with Zero Trust setup?
Have you tried searching this forums :search: for any useful information for troubleshooting your case?

I am sorry to hear this happen. May I ask if you could share a ticket number(s) with us?

The gist of it is we are having issues access anything associated with pmddtc.state.gov domain when zero trust is on. We are able to access it when we turn off Zerotrust, but not when its connected. I have tried adding it to our bypass policy, no inspect, nothing helps. Also, when you use radar and do a url scan on that domain. it returns an error, Network connection closed.

Sure ticket number is: 01356707

How about adding a new policy with Allow and making it above all the others, on the 1st place? :thinking:

Possibly it’s loading some resources from other domain(s) which might block e.g. CSS or JS files to load from sub.state.gov, which is blocked by your 2nd or Xth rule where you’ve got Categories selected and set to Block.

Check the Network tab (F12) of the Developer Tools (Console as well) for any errors.

If that’s the case, you could create an Allow policy, therefrom add Domain in state.gov which would allow all the main (root) domain and all of the sub-domains as well.

Have you checked your Gateway logs?

I have tried Allow also. Made no difference.

When I have Zerotrust turned on and the network tab on the Dev tools, I get nothing. Its like there is no server on the other side to even answer. Zero results.

When I turn Zerotrust back off, everything works fine. I also looked at Dev window when its off, and see nothing out of the normal. The only 2 domains are pmddtc.state.gov and fonts.gstatic.com

I also ran the url through radar and get an error message instead of a report on the website like most other sites.

I would really appreciate it if support would actually answer me regarding this issue.

Screen shots attached, testing one of the couple of urls for the domain.

Also forgot to mention, Gateway has nothing.