There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this we website has expired or is not yet valid

I set up the SSL on I thought all was working well until my client put a link to the employment application in an ad on a radio stations website.

He received an email from a potential employee who was getting this error message: There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this we website has expired or is not yet valid.

I found a thread stating that it take up to 24 hours to work, but this was set up over 4 months ago. My client checked several of his computers. Some the website displays fine, others he gets the error message. I checked various computers of mine and only get a message on an outdated mac using Safari. There I get: Safari can’t open the page “Home - RuMar Manufacturing because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server

Can someone please help me resolve this problem?

Your site loads fine. Considering, though, your certificate was renewed only yesterday I wonder if there might be a caching issue and some edges still present the expired certificate (there was a similar case a few days ago). Can you check what certificate these users get and if the system time is correct?

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