The zone you are trying to upgrade is marked as Do Not Upgrade (

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

The zone you are trying to upgrade is marked as Do Not Upgrade

What is the issue you’re encountering

Cannot select the free plan

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Wait a few months and try again
Check there’s no outstanding bills on Billing (there are not)

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Click on Websites
Click on, which will take me to the “Select a plan” Step 1 of 3
Select the free plan, then click on Continue

Screenshot of the error

You’ll need to follow these directions here, Billing, Plans & Subscription Questions

Sorry but that’s not very useful:

  1. “If you’re encountering any of the above issues, please report them directly to Customer Support”
  2. So I go to customer support, and I get the option to either talk to an AI which points me back to the same article, or to create a ticket in the community (what I did here).
  3. “If you already have a ticket, Support will respond to you on that ticket”
  4. That is what I expected to happen.

So which alternative path would you like me to take of these?

Report the issue directly to Customer Support at,

Select the options as above, enter the name of the website, scroll down

Select add more details and then submit the ticket. The Support team needs to resolve the 1315 error on a Support ticket,

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Unfortunately my screen looks a bit different there (and clicking on “start over” and doing it again shows the same thing again):

Note that that points to an old issue with a different domain that is supposedly already resolved:

I created 3326192 on your behalf. Sorry for the issues.

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