For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?
dev domain
What is the issue or error you’re encountering
The worker code editor is broken, it executes the worker script on every key press in the file editor, as well as on every key press in the HTTP.POST.body panel. If I want to POST a payload with the string “test”, it will execute 4 posts, first with “t”, then “te”, then “tes”, then “test” - as every key press executes the submit. I have tried deleting all cookies etc in my browser. What is wrong?
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have tried deleting all cookies in my browser. Logged in, Logged out. Restarted computer.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Open any worker. Click “Edit code”. Put cursor in file editor. Press any key on keyboard, for example space key. The worker is now executed using the preview window. If I want to write “console.log(“hello”);” then the script runs 20 times, first on “c” ← syntax error, “co” <–syntax error, “con” ← syntax error etc etc.
Here is a video example: Cloudflare | Web Performance & Security - Google Chrome - 24 August 2024 | Loom
Note that the worker is executed as I write.