The site says suspended for CF registered domain

What is the error message?

The registrar services for this domain have been suspended by Cloudflare for a Terms of Service violation.

What is the issue you’re encountering

domain is suspended

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

created tickets with support, they replied for another domain weirdly, created more tickets, no luck

Registrar issues require a Registrar ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?

New registration

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I purchased that domain with CF, connected it to SiteGround and just setup a bare WordPress with coming soon page and purchase Google G Suite thru SiteGround for google emails.
1 week later we noticed the site says it’s suspended by cloudflare, I logged in to my Cloudflare and saw the manage domain page says the domain is suspended due to an unverified registrant email. And the email there is contact@ to verify, which we don’t have, (not sure if I entered that when getting the domain) but we don’t want to pay $72 to SiteGround to just open that email account to verify that email, we want to change that email to info@, but when I request that, they send the email change request to contact@ which again we don’t have.

So we’re stuck, the site is down for a week. The first ticket I created got a response from CF as it was another domain I have with CF. I created more tickets but not support yet.

Please somebody help us!

also, why you made my enter my domain and this topic is public? I don’t want to share my URL publicly ! ? !
and I cant edit my first message as well!

I taught it would very great to have a domain registered with CF, turned out it’s a nightmare

I’m very happy to have my sites with you but no more domain

This is a public site, I will remove your domain name. I’ve flagged your topic & ticket for my Registrar Support colleagues.


Please don’t create any more tickets, the Support team will help you (and probably merge) the tickets you already have.


we want to change that email to info@, but when I request that, they send the email change request to contact@ which again we don’t have


It’s not that - we didn’t send the email to contact@, we sent the email to info@, but the domain has already been suspended.

You’ll need to change the contact to a valid email from an active domain in order to unsuspend the domain.


I can’t change the email address for verification, when I try to update, it gives that 500 error :

API Request Failed: PUT /api/v4/zones/…/registrar/domains/ (500)

That is indeed unexpected, allow me to escalate this for further action. We’ll get back to you via the ticket at our soonest.

We do apologize for this inconvenience.


Note that if the domain part of the contact@ address is correct and this is your Google Workspace (GSuite) domain, you don’t need to create a new GSuite account and pay for anything.

Simply add contact as an ALIAS (alternative email address) on top of info. This will allow you to receive the “contact@” email in the “info@” mailbox instead of being bounced back. You can add up to 30 aliases per (paid) account, and it doesn’t cost anything. Here’s Google’s documentation: Add or delete an alternate email address (email alias) - Google Workspace Admin Help

You also have the immensely more powerful Email Routing feature. Among the many uses, you can even redirect copies of ALL incoming and outgoing emails to any address of your choosing, again, without any additional cost. See: Email routing and delivery options for Google Workspace - Google Workspace Admin Help


that’s a smart way around but since CF suspended the domain, G Suite emails are not working, not receiving any emails, everything is suspended including DNS/emails.

And support is not able help, we’re basically stuck

still no reply from support or here.
our emails are not working because of this suspension, we can’t approve it or change the email to approve it. Please suggest a way, should I upgrade my CF account so I can get support?

:point_up: :point_down:

@mattlab is a Support engineer & escalated your topic.

:point_up: :point_down:

:point_up: that ticket is the right process to get support for Registrar issues.

Customers on every plan type can open Account, Billing & Registrar tickets. I see your ticket 01336092 was escalated by a Support engineer. The team will continue to work with you on that ticket, the Community is unable to assist with Registrar, Account and Billing issues.

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I meant to say how I can get support faster, I opened my first ticket on January 1st, and it’s been a week, we’re unable to send or receive emails, and the only thing we need is the email verification for the domain and that’s something you have full control as the domain register and DNS manager.

I don’t think this issue should take 8 days to resolve, I’m begging for faster support as this is an urgent case for us

Thank you :pray:

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Looks like the issue was resolved. Let me know if you still need help


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