The Cloudflare Support team hasn't responded to urgent requests for over 20 days

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

We encountered severe issues with our website. Thus, we raised tickets for the Cloudflare support team, which had an urgent status on the 31st of July. We still haven’t received a reply from them. We raised another ticket on the 9th of August, and the situation is the same. Maybe someone else encountered such problems with Cloudflare support. What do you recommend to do in that case?

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Raised another ticket for Cloudflare support team, but still there is no response


Thank you for asking.

I am sorry to hear you are facing such an issue.

Could you please share the ticket numbers here in your reply so I could escalate your case to the team? Thank you.

Here are the latest ticket number with more comprehensive information: 01028700

Best regards,

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Thank you for sharing. I’ve escalated the team about your case.

Kindly and patiently wait for a reply.

May I ask what kind of? :thinking:
Furthermore, in the meantime I can see your Website loads perfectly fine from my end, you’re using Cloudflare APO as well.

Both mobile and desktop versions of some pages did not paint any content. Without any actions from our side, this bug disappeared after 15 minutes and happened multiple times later affecting more and more pages. As this issues occurred Googlebot cannot access our pages while crawling, thus our pages started disappearing from Google Search. It is also worth mentioning that most of the times only mobile version of our site was affected. Desktop version worked fine at the time when mobile did not paint any content.

We enabled Development mode. This seemed to help with the issue. At least, we did not encountered any problems with mobile or desktop versions. So we added a page rule to bypass cache for all pages of

What are those pages? Site and multiple pages all load AOK for me, unable to replicate.

I’d scan your site for malware.

Do you see that blocked in your dashboard events

Disable it & disable rocketloader and see if you can reproduce the error.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Some wordpress issues

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