Tax Exempt & Pro Plan assignment

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Tax Exempt & Pro Plan assignment

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Opened a ticket and received a generic “we don’t issue refunds” reply.

I have two issues. We are a tax exempt organization. When I placed my order for Pro tax was not listed on the order summary. However, the invoice has tax listed. I need this removed as per my finance department rules.

Second, I ordered pro on the wrong domain (sorry, new to cloudflare). I didn’t realize it was bound to the domain selected in the UI when ordering. This really should be a selected on the order form.

I would like this switched to another domain on my account.

Last issue is that when I try to log in to view my tickets, the dashboard cant be loaded. I get redirected to the developer docs to an article about not being able to locate my dashboard account. I created a third ticket for this but this might be a more standard request and may actually resolve normally.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support

01212867 and 01212576

In what area can we help you?



I am sorry to hear this happen.

Thank you for sharing your ticket numbers here with us.
I have escalated your cases to the team.

Kindly and patiently wait for are reply

I have escalated this to our Billing team. Sorry for the delay!

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Cloudflare Support team have indicated this was resolved on your ticket. Please post another topic here if that is not the case.