Subdomain "Page Not Found"

I recently signed up with Cloudflare because I wanted free ssl for my site. I added my site but now the subdomain does not work, either with or without https Both my domain site and the subdomain site are hosted at Weebly but the domain is registered at Namecheap. The domain is and seems to be working as it should but the subdomain is getting a “page not found” error. Can anyone tell me how to get the subdomain working? Thanks

If you set the subdomain to :grey:, rather than :orange:, does it work then?

Also, I really hope that you have a certificate with your host and are not using ‘Flexible’ mode in Cloudflare! Deprecated - Why flexible SSL mode is not the best choice

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I recently signed up with Cloudflare because I wanted free ssl for my site. I added my site but now the subdomain does not work, either with or without https Both my domain site and the subdomain site are hosted at Weebly but the domain is registered at Namecheap. The domain is and seems to be working as it should but the subdomain is getting a “server not found” page. Can anyone tell me how to get the subdomain working? Thanks

Since I changed the dns nameservers to Cloudflare’s dns at Namechaep the subdomain stopped working altogether. I wasn’t able to get the domain to work either until I changed it to flexible

Please don’t double post.

What about my first question? If you set the DNS record for the subdomain to :grey: in Cloudflare and leave it a few minutes, does it then work OK?

Flexible is not a good choice at all as it does not make your site secure we have an article on it at Deprecated - Why flexible SSL mode is not the best choice
You should get a certificate installed on your server / with your host so you can set the SSL mode to Full (strict). Looks like Weebly support this by following their guide: How Can I Enable SSL? | Weebly Support - US

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Sorry I’m still trying to figure out how this forum works. No the subdomain doesn’t work at all even with the cloud being gray. I should mention that the subdomain was made at my registrar (Namecheap) and after I changed the dns to Cloudflare the subdomain disappeared from my registrar account and I no longer have an option to make additional subdomains as that option is only available if I use Namecheap’s dns. At Weebly I don’t seem to see an option for ssl and I don’t understand, if I were to get a certificate at a host why would I want Cloudflare ssl? It’s really the only reason I signed up

If the subdomain still doesn’t work when set to :grey:, then it doesn’t sound like an issue with Cloudflare SSL, perhaps contact your host for assistance…

You need SSL both on your server and on Cloudflare for your site to be secure, the article I linked to earlier explains why.

Cloudflare does have lots of other great features as well!

As long as the DNS record for the subdomain is correct, then when set to :grey:, the issue can only be with the host - it disables all Cloudflare’s services apart from DNS.

Why would it be a problem with the host? My subdomain was made at my domain registrar, when I changed the nameservers to Cloudflare my subdomain was removed from my account and all options associated with the domain including email forwarding were removed. I only get them back if I change back to using Namecheap’s dns.

Anyway I found in my Weebly account the option to enable ssl but it won’t let me unless I set the A record to weebly’s ip at my domain registrar which I can’t do when the nameservers are from Cloudflare

You dont want “Cloudflare SSL”. Cloudflare simply offers that certificate to secure the connection to their servers, you still need a certificate on your server to make the connection to your server secure, otherwise the entire exercise is pointless and your site is still as insecure as before. @domjh’s statement could not be more spot on here.

As for the 404, that comes straight from your server and needs to be fixed there.

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How can I fix it when all the options have been removed after I switched to Cloudflare’s nameservers? I didn’t make the subdomain at Weebly, I made it at my domain registrar Namecheap, once I replaced Namecheap’s nameservers with Cloudflare’s my subdomains became disabled.

Your registrar is irrelevant here. You need to configure that hostname with your host. Also, make sure you do configure a proper certificate on your server.

Weebly does not have a cpanel, you just enter the domain you want associated with the site and then you point to it with the A record at the domain registrar

You need to clarify this with them. You need to have that host configured on their end, otherwise it cant work.

I don’t get it. Weebly has nothing to do with my domain, the problem is when I changed the dns to Cloudflare at my domain registrar from which I controlled everything associated with my domain, including subdomains and email, it all got disabled. When I try to update the subdomain site at Weebly I get a message that says my domain is not properly set up and gives instructions to point Weebly’s ip through the A record at the registrar.

Weebly is hosting whatever you want displayed, right? So they need to know about that host you want to configure, right?

I don’t understand what you are asking. In weebly you specify the domain you want associated with the site built in Weebly’s editor. The domain is connected to Weebly from the place the domain is managed and in my case that’s Namecheap. My domain is working with Cloudflare but not its subdomain because it’s been disabled due to my using Cloudflare dns

I am not sure what you mean by “disabled”. If you want to use that custom hostname you need to configure that on Weebly, if you cant do that you most likely cant use it. You need to contact them and ask how to get that hostname active on their servers. This is not Cloudflare related at this point. is configured on Cloudflare and resolves fine to their proxies. The 404 you receive is directly from Weebly because they do not recognise that hostname. So again, you need to contact them. The configuration on Cloudflare is complete.

I’m not sure if I’m explaining clearly. My domain is at Namecheap, when I use Namecheap’s nameservers I can make subdomains, if I were to use a web host’s nameservers I would no longer be able to make the subdomains at Namecheap but only at the web host. Weebly doesn’t provide that option. The subddomain was automatically removed from my namecheap account as soon as I changed the name servers to Cloudflare.I thought since my site is using dns from Cloudflare now, I should be able to make the subdomain here