Subdomain CNAME and Page Rule set, but subdomain isn’t resolving

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?

This site can’t be reached

What is the issue you’re encountering

The subdomain still shows a “This site can’t be reached” error after 48+ hours. A nslookup returns no results.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

DNS Record:
Name: catering
Proxy Status: Proxied (orange cloud enabled).
This record has been active for more than two days.

Page Rule:
If the URL matches:*
Then the settings are: Forwarding URL (301 Permanent Redirect) to Gimme Coffee Catering – Gimme! Coffee.

Other Details:
The root domain works as expected.
We’ve confirmed there are no conflicting DNS records for the subdomain.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Visit the subdomain.

Check that the 2 Cloudflare nameservers shown at the bottom of your DNS page are ada and tony here…

If not, you are in the wrong Cloudflare account for the domain as there are 2 sets of nameservers resolving for it…

If unsure, can you show a screenshot of the whole of your Cloudflare DNS page.


Thank you for the quick response! The nameservers shown at the bottom of our DNS page are jen and rayden. Can you advise?

Then you are not in the Cloudflare account where your domain is currently active.

You either need to log into that account, or change the nameservers at your registrar to jen and rayden so the domain becomes active instead in the account you are currently logged in to.


Thank you so much for guidance! This will certainly help us navigate toward a solution once our admin is back in office.

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