I have two A records, one for my root domain example[dot]com, another is for blog[dot]example[dot]com. However the blog subdomain doesn’t work, and using traceroute and sites like mxtoolbox I found it lead to example[dot].com’s IP.
If I switch from proxied to DNS-only, it pointed to the right IP, and switching it back to proxied returned it to example[dot]com’s IP.
Cloudflare is a reverse proxy. The IP address of a site when will not correspond to the IP address of the origin. That’s fine/expected?
Right, I just realized it’s not pointing to root domain as well, but always to cloudflare’s IP. I have two A record, one pointing to a sample placeholder site on Azure and another to webmail (zoho), so I thought it will just work when I added the third one. I guess I still haven’t fully grasped how Cloudflare works.
So it’s not working? What’s the full hostname of that subdomain?
It’s blog[dot]fathuzzaman[dot]id. Accessing directly via IP address works, but I get Host Error via cloudflare proxied