Your subscription to R2 was previously removed. In order to access your buckets, please add the R2 subscription back to your account. To check your account’s billing status, visit Billing.
What is the issue or error you’re encountering
Stuck in R2 plan page, payment was already settled but R2 subscription cannot be added to my account.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Already attempted many times by clicking “Add R2 Subscription to my account” but always redirected to plan page. I also created a ticket to contact cloudflare support however untill now I got no response from them. The problem occurred last Friday (September 20, 2024). I hope there’s anyone here who can help me with the problem I encountered.
I think I wouldn’t recommend R2 storage to others who are planning to avail for this kind of service.
The customer service sucks and you left with no options for reaching out for support. We have active Pro Plan but got no response from them. So sad.
A slow response from the support team can severely damage the reputation of your website or web application, especially when all your object data is hosted in R2. This becomes critical when you can no longer access your paid bucket.
I had no option but to subscribe to another provider since R2 became inaccessible and useless. I have already settled the payment, but your system still won’t restore my access. I hope the Cloudflare team will fix this.