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What is the error message? STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD not implemented
What is the issue or error you’re encountering
STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD not implemented Exception when upload
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
I’m using aws s3 android sdk to upload image to R2,the code is:
fun uploadBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap, fullPath: String){
val s3Client = buildS3Client(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 80, outputStream)
val byteArray = outputStream.toByteArray()
val metadata = ObjectMetadata()
metadata.contentType = “image/jpeg”
metadata.contentLength = byteArray.size.toLong()
val putObjectRequest = PutObjectRequest(“posechallenge”, fullPath, ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray), metadata)
try {
}catch (e: AmazonClientException){
Logger.error(TAG, e.stackTraceToString())
}catch (e: AmazonServiceException){
Logger.error(TAG, e.stackTraceToString())
finaly, I got a STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD not implemented Exception