Status inconsistent between admins. One Pending Nameserver Update, the other Active

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

New to Cloudflare. Recently set up a MS 365 tenant and emails were being flagged as spam. I logged into Cloudflare to check DNS records and noticed an inconsistency between my login and another person that has access. On my Home page, shows a status of “Pending Nameserver Update” but his shows the status as “Active”. When I click on DNS, there are no entries in DNS management and the name servers are different (both When he clicks on DNS, there are 8 entries.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have no idea why they are showing different and dont know how to fix it. Using a DNS lookup tool, the results come back with entries and name servers that are showing on the other admins DNS page.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Happens every time.

Screenshot of the error

It looks like the other user has added your domain to their account as well, rather than selecting your account when they log in.

If they are added to your account, when they log in they should be asked to select…
[email protected]'s account or
[email protected]'s account

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Thanks for the response!

Essentially, yes that is the case. Admin 1 ( account) added my account ([email protected]). Initially my account looked just like theirs and I could see the DNS records and the status was active. Today when I logged in I found the “pending nameserver update”.

Is there a way to fix my view? If I start entering DNS records will it break what is essentially working and correct on the other accounts view?

Its just confusing the for the same site things are different depending on who is logged in.

You need to set the nameservers for your domain back to those given for the domain in your account so you take control of it and the domain becomes active in your account again…

You can export the DNS records from the other account, then import them into yours if you want the records as set in the other account.

When done, get the user to delete your domain from their account.

It is only confusing because you are not using the organization account that you were invited to join. You have added the same domain into your own organization account instead of managing it in the organization account you were invited to join. Note that if you accepted the invitation, your user is a member of both your organization and the one you were invited to.

If the domain belongs in your organization account and not the one you were invited to, then changing the nameservers at your domain registrar as @sjr described will lead to the domain becoming active in your organization account and it will be removed from the organization that you were invited to join.

If the domain belongs in the organization account that you were invited to join, you should delete the pending instance in your own organization’s account and make sure that you switch to the other account before you attempt to manage DNS records.

I recommend that you discuss where the domain is really supposed to be before making any changes at your registrar.

Can the domain be active in multiple accounts at the same time?

It looks like I need to make the nameserver changes somewhere outside of Cloudflare is that correct? I just don’t know where to make these changes.

The domain can only be active in one organization’s account. Your user can belong to more than one organization’s account. If you accepted the invitation, your user has access to the organization that you were invited to, as well as your own organization. See my previous reply for further explanation.

This was super helpful! Thank you!

I plan to leave the domain in the account that I was invited to (At least for now). The only other question I have is how to delete the pending instance in my account to remove the domain.

Do I used the “Remove from Cloudflare” option on the overview page? The warning made me nervous and i wanted to make sure it didnt completely remove it (remove from mine and the other account).

There should be no problem to delete the domain from the wrong account, but if you are uncertain, you can just wait and the inactive copy will remove itself eventually.

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