September 14, 2022, 12:46am
Thank you for asking.
If you’d want to use it over a proxied , you’d have to use Advanced Certificate Manager , since it’s a deep-level sub-domain and Cloudflare’s Universal SSL cover only 1st level sub-domain:
This tutorial is deprecated in favour of Fix VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
Archive This tutorial covers a possible reason for the SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH errors (Firefox and Chrome respectively) when seen on a subdomain.
The Cloudflare universal certificates cover and * This means that it covers any subdomain one level below the domain you signed up with.
It will cover and subdomain.exampl…
This tutorial is deprecated in favour of Troubleshooting · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
Archive Please note, this tutorial post contains links to external sites. I am not endorsing any external links.
This tutorial post covers the first steps you should take if SSL is working on your main domain, but not on a subdomain.
1. Is there a DNS record for it?
Check the DNS app in your Cloudflare dashboard to see if there is a DNS record there for that subdomain.
2. Check that the DNS record is working co…
By default, Cloudflare issues — and renews — free, unshared, publicly trusted SSL certificates to all domains added to and activated on Cloudflare.
Otherwise, if you’re already using ACM, is the SSL certificate still a valid one at the origin host?