Hello Cloudflare friends,
I changed my main website www.idealdesignz.com.au to cloudflare for the free SSL. It is working very well, thanks Cloudflare!
I want to add a subdomain shop.idealdeisgnz.com.au
I have created the subdomain with my hosting. I created a new wordpress instal on the sub domain. The DNS in Cloudflare is pointing to the same IP as the main website, Cloudflare covers one subdomain under the free SSL (from what I have read)
Currently viewing the site shop.idealdesignz.com.au i get a 403 error
Currently viewing the site shop.idealdesignz.com.au/wp-admin i get a 404 error.
I contacted my Hosting provider and they said there is a problem on the Cloudflare end. I dont know how to check…
Has anyone had a similar problem? How to get the subdomain showing up??
Thanks guys… hope you can make sense of this…