SSL Not Working For MY Website

Hi i have a website i have added in the Cloudflare here https:// is showing in the url but the secured connection is not showing i have a free plan please anybody help me out

Everything’s fine here

I see generally what @MarkMeyer sees, but notice a lot of mixed content issues,


On the SSL/TLS app, can you please turn on automatic https rewrites? If still an issue, search “mixed content tip” on this site and you should see some other suggestions. Sorry for the trouble.

What the…? o_O

I have a padlock 0_o

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+1. Ok that is odd. I wrote it off to timing assuming I’d visited a bit after you did. Just tried again and no change.

#metoo :slight_smile:

But I have several counts on the adblocker, so that might be the reason.


Ok, it’s my ad blocker:


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