SSL not working for level 1 subdomain

Hi I am using Cloudflare through the cpanel of my hosting. has SSL has SSL has no SSL certificate?

I get this error on chrome:


Everywhere I read that the standard free option covers both and one level subdomain like * so it should be working fine.

What could be the problem for this?

Your DNS settings are managed by your partner. So the new record is likely not point to/through Cloudflare. You’ll need to modify the record there (or have them verify the config) so that it does resolve through Cloudflare.

Hi when I go to Cloudflare settings in cpanel it says Enabled. And if I look at the DNS it is like this:

Everyhting in red is my

As you can see there is no should I add that on my own?

Yes(?) sometimes partner setups can be a bit tricky because theoretically they can do some interesting things. If test is on the same host then you can probably follow the same pattern as the screenshot. See also: