SSL help for domain & subdomain all hosted seperately

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Advanced SSL configurations

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Yet to be resolved

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Looking for a solution & advise if transfering my DNS to Cloudflare & setting everything up via here will fix my issues.

My setup is below. Happy to answer questions.

(Main Website)

  • Main website
  • Hosted on Cloudways
  • SSL via Enterprise Cloudflare add-on (renew every 90days)


  • White label tool via CNAME record
  • SSL via let’s encrypt wildcard from cloudways interface
  • Manually upload SSL cert file every 90 days
  • BROKEN LINK, see screenshot


  • Webapp on DIGITAL OCEAN (seperate server from main domain)
  • No SSL at the moment, so looking for a solution that can auto renew & no broken chain

Screenshot of the error


Thank you for reaching out to us. If I understood correctly, you could do the following:

  1. For your main website: By using Cloudflare’s DNS and SSL services, you won’t need to manually renew SSL certificates every 90 days. Cloudflare offers automatic SSL certificate management and renewal. For more information please refer to the following link: Enable Universal SSL certificates · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs
  2. For subdomain1: Cloudflare can set this for your subdomains as well. You won’t need to manually upload SSL cert files every 90 days, as Cloudflare will handle this automatically.
  3. For subdomain2: You can try setting up a proxied A record in Cloudflare pointing to your Digital Ocean server’s IP address, as it will enable Cloudflare’s SSL and other security features for this subdomain.

Can you please let us know if this works for you?


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