SSL has been disabled for this zone

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

SSL has been disabled for this zone

What is the issue you’re encountering

Unable to enable Universal SSL

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?


Have you tried switching your A from :grey: (DNS-only) to :orange: and keeping it like that for some time? :thinking:

What SSL settings have you got selected under the SSL/TLS tab of Cloudflare dashboard for your domain name? :thinking:

Before moving to Cloudflare, was your Website working over HTTPS connection?

Have you went to the bottom of the page here and Enabled Universal SSL after you proxied :orange: your DNS recors? :thinking:

I have tried anything written in this post SSL has been disabled for this zone - Code: 1006

SSL is Full(strict ) , this domain is on Cloudflare before 2017 when we tried Proxy
On the origin-server now we have Cloudflare origin certificate , i have the same configuration for another domain and it work.

The problem seem that something is stuck on Cloudflare side, with the button and API call always the message is SSL has been disabled for this zone (Code: 1006)

Hi there,

Could you try again? this issue should be resolved now.

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