SSL Certification issue when cert is valid and reputable - changed www. to Proxy

What is the name of the domain? /

What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Sales person visited site on www. and it said cert not valid

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I checked the certificate on Hostinger and cert is valid but two different IPs
In Cloudflare checked SSL settings - changed from Flexible to Full
Redirected to working dev version over night
Removed redirect to fix prolbem
Forced Https wherever possible (Hostinger and Cloudflare)
Purged Cache

All of site apart from head missing on live site!

In Cloudflare
Changed back to Flexible from Full.
Spotted that error in the CNAME www. was DNS only.
Change to Proxied

Is this going to fix the issue or is something else wrong. dev version with www. is also having similar issues? There seems to be a lot in my DNS record I inherited from another developer. Can it be simplified or is the google stuff for SEO and Gmail?

Finally, should I redirect to working dev version until it propagate or will that halt the propagation process?

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Please visit the live and dev sites and see the issues.

You should only use “Full (strict)”. If this gives your site a 525/526 error, then you have a problem with the SSL certificate on your origin server. You can pause Cloudflare to check directly if the origin is working correctly before re-enabling Cloudflare.

Thank you so much for responding. So I should be using Full (strict)? It’s propagated on the DNS now so up and running. If I change is it likely to take it down i.e. should I wait until outside office hours to change?

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