SSL Certificate not working Properly Opening Both http and https

I started new website yesterday [] and when i attach with cloudfare after 10 mintues everything working fine… But issue With certificate SSL . Sometime site open with http and sometime with Https and i asked to hosting provider about That issue they are saying Its issue with ssl and talk to cloudfare.

New sites sometimes take a day to settle in.

Right now, your site redirects me to HTTPS which is working well. It also passes the SSL tests here:

Their only recommendation is to turn off TLS 1.0, which you can do on the Cloudflare Crypto page for the Minimum TLS Version setting (Use 1.1 or higher).

yes i changed TLS 1.1 but still the problem same… also showing your connection is not private on Chrome Browser…ssl

My Chrome Browser can beat up your Chrome Browser. :rofl:

But seriously, give it a day for DNS to propagate, so check back tomorrow. It should be fine by then.

ok thank you for help me . let see what happen tomorrow…actually this certificate apprx. 24 hours done to upload

one thing is more wonder more me my certificate is valid upto 2033 but whatever you link shared and i checked there expire date

2033 is for the certificate on your server. The one Cloudflare issues for you on the proxy server is shorter term and auto-renews.

ok got it , but i checked every browser problem still the same Microsoft edge , Chrome, Mozila firefox, mi browser… too but in your end showing secure…

Try flushing your DNS cache:

ipconfig /flushdns

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