Not able to add when trying to add this domain getting error. is not a registered domain (Code: 1049)
Other domains works cool. Is there any restriction for tld ?

is it ok to add below list of name server before adding to Cloudflare ?


No, please read the linked article.

Checked all the steps and everything fine. Except Nameserver details are not available, as it is not added until now. What nameserver details needs to be added before adding to Cloudflare?

What about the very first point mentioned in the article?

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Disable DNSSEC

Yes requested domain provider to disable it two days back.

Maybe bad wording, I didnt refer to the article linked in the posting I linked to but the posting itself, particularly the first bullet point. You need these entries.

Either park the domain using the registrars default nameservers or delegate to a third party DNS provider temporarily

ok will add

Logically that cant work. In order to add a domain you need to have responding nameservers, as long as the domain is not added Cloudflare will naturally not respond. Hence you need to follow that very instruction and add responding nameservers to your domain.

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Since the domain is bought from Govt which dont provide the nameserver, first need to configure it Godaddy and from Godaddy again need change nameserver to Cloudflare . Am i correct ?

That would work if they can provide you with functioning nameservers. Or any other provider who can provide such nameservers.

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