I’ve just moved domain registrar to Cloudflare for this domain. The website behind the domain is hosted on Squarespace. When visiting the site, I get a load of 301s, followed by a loop error (got this info from the Network tab of Firefox’s devtools/‘inspect’).
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Checked Squarespace’s DNS checker thing, and it accepts the DNS records as I have them.
Went through this guidance - ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS · Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs - and confirmed that:
– there are no redirect rules setup
– encryption mode is Full (Strict)
– HTTPS Always On is on, as is HSTS (on both Cloudflare’s settings and Squarespace’s)
Did what was suggested in this post - Community Tip - Fixing ERR TOO MANY REDIRECTS - but all I got from it was confirmation that there’s a 301, which I already knew from Firefox’s devtools. No extra info as to where the redirect actually is taking place.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS records
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Go to bletchley.org.uk and look at devtools/‘inspect’ the page and look at the Network tab.
I didn’t mention in my post (because I forgot) but I did check that there weren’t any redirects setup on Squarespace, in the only place I think I have access to - I’m not sure if you’re familiar, but there’s a section called “Developer tools” and then “URL mappings” where it looks like you can set up redirects (among other things), but the section is blank.
I’ve already raised a ticket with them, assuming that it was on their side (but not knowing until you just gave me that info, so thank you), so hopefully they’ll be able to help.
Do you think it could be a DNS proliferation thing? While all of the new DNS records seem to have taken effect, perhaps there’s something lagging? It’s been less than 24 hours since I moved across (and then fiddled with the settings).
It’s not a DNS issue. It’s the webserver responding to requests for https://www.bletchley.org.uk/ by telling the browser to go to https://www.bletchley.org.uk/ (the same place), hence the “too many redirects” as the browser gives up after 20 redirections.